Dr. Todd Rodman


I am thankful to have had many great teachers, coaches and influential people in my life. My wife has been the biggest inspiration and her belief and confidence in me pushes me to try my best every day. You ask if I have had challenges in my life and the answer is yes, I believe we all have many challenges. I face them daily and try my best to overcome them by staying positive. I believe that challenges and struggle build character. They make you come back stronger and better. I think this mindset helps me to achieve my goals and appreciate the rollercoaster of life.

What are the most important decisions you have made in your life?

I think my most important decision was to go to chiropractic college. I was not always a great student. I would get good grades, but I did not push myself. Because of this, I did not have confidence in myself that I could make it into and through Chiropractic college. I decided to change and dedicate myself to learning. I quickly realized that I was meant to be there and I wish I had this passion for learning earlier in my life.

As an influencer, how do you teach others?

I try to lead by example. As a teacher I try to use analogies and ways to explain things in a way that is easy to understand.

Where do you see the flaws in our healthcare system?

I believe that what we pay the insurance company should be the only thing we pay and that there should be no copays or deductibles. Unfortunately, I don’t feel like we have a HEALTHcare system, we have a SICKcare system. I see so many patients that have waited until they could not take their pain for another moment, then they finally come and see me.  I am sure this is due to financial reasons and benefits.  Everyone deserves to feel their best, and should not live in pain. There are so many injuries and medical issues that could be prevented or treated without medication, but our SICKcare system wants a quick fix of medication.  I would love to see more plans allow for preventative treatment, including nutrition and patient education.

What is the one thing you can share that is a must everyday for motivation?

Visualize. Everyday it is important to visualize your goals and outcomes for the day. It is also important to do this on a weekly, monthly and years basis.

What can you suggest for others to be healthy?

Move well and move often. Fight for your function. Clear your mind. Say affirmations. Limit the things that you eat that is not real food. Smile, laugh, love and have some things that fuel your passion.

Do you have a top five things to do to?

  1. Be Dad – I love getting the chance to be with my family.
  2. Work out – I love to sweat and try all types or workouts.
  3. Wiffle – I love to play wiffleball with my family and friends.
  4. Travel – Go on an adventure and see new things.
  5. Learn – I am forever a student. I believe everyone has a talent and we can learn so much from each other.

What is your view on supplements?

I think that there are a few must have supplements but there are many that are unnecessary and possibly harmful.  I believe in research. Do your research and always consult a physician before trying something new.

What is your greatest passion out of the work world?

I love to give back and set a good example for my kids. I try to be the member of the community that I would like to have in my community. I think my work world and personal world really connect.  My passion is sports.  I played College Baseball, and loved every minute of it.  You never lose that competitive nature, so I think finding workouts that allow me to compete against myself or challenge me against my peers fill that sports void. This crosses into my work life because as an athlete I have serious limitations.  I need to be very careful since I myself have had a severe back injury. I need to make sure I have correct form, provide myself with excellent nutrition, and increase mobility and stability on a daily basis. I know how important my fitness goals are to me, and having these limitations, inspires me to help others who are in the same position.

How do you relax?

I like to hang out with my family, exercise, play wiffleball and listen to music. Recently, my wife has pushed me into Hot Pilates, which I really like.  It forces you to clear your mind, sweat and then you feel so relaxed after.

Give us some insight on you – favorite foods, vacation or places to go, how do you spend a day alone?

Favorite food – (healthy) eggs, avocados (unhealthy) cookie cake and pizza

Vacation- (with kids)- We love Naples and Captiva (without kids)- We just celebrated our 10 year anniversary in Napa Valley, that place is the adult version of Disney!

If I ever get a day alone (which I can’t remember the last time)- I like to be productive. Get a haircut, go to home depot, try a new workout, study a new technique, listen to a motivational speaker.

What is next for you? And how will you get there?

I hope to educate people on the importance of musculoskeletal maintenance for the preservation and optimization of human function. I believe our bodies are designed to last 100 years and feel good while we are here. Too many people are breaking down, losing function and having pain early in life. I hope to pass on what I have learned so that they can live a better quality of life. I hope to get there by education on social media as well as hosting seminars and eventually with a professional teaching job.

Dr. Todd Rodman, DC, CCSP, CSCS
Sports Chiropractic & Natural Health Solutions

Official Chiropractor – FAU Owls
Official Chiropractor – West Boca Bulls
Director of AS – CrossFit SE Regionals (2013&2014)

9878 Clint Moore Road #206
Boca Raton, FL 33496


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