Benefits of Yoga

Conversation with Paige Held of the Yoga Joint.

By Paige Held

Yoga Joint offers a fun and modern take on yoga. Their classes are infused with modern music and are designed to accommodate students of all levels within one class.

There are so many types of yoga (Vinyasa,  Yin, Bikram, etc.) can you please give us some clarity on what is what?

At the Yoga Joint we practice what we call “fusion flow” this is a vinyasa based class, where the poses are all linked together to create the flow. The class is paired to music, and your teacher guides you, helps you with your alignment in the pose, and always leaves you with an inspiring message to take off your mat. All yoga is great, but we love the fast paced movements that are paired up with slower long holds of poses that allow you to release your tight joints and muscles, while getting a great cardio vascular workout, and a connection to yourself. Because there are so many different yoga styles we decided to meld most of them into our classes. We took the best of the Bikram method, the heated room, the wide legged stretches, the standing balanced poses. We took the best of yin classes where they hold the poses a long time to help you get into tight areas such as hips, spine , and shoulders. We took the best of vinyasa yoga which means to link the breath to the movements that are pretty faced paced and we make our classes.

You get a full body workout and work-in in our yoga classes.

How does one get started?

One day, or day one… you decide. To get started you just need to show up! No matter how you feel about yoga, your body, people in the class, etc.. just SHOW UP! The magic unfolds from that moment. Just like anything in life it takes practice, effort, determination, and drive to try new things and integrate them into your life. Put your preconceived thoughts about yoga to the side and come in and take a class. You will thank me. 🙂

How many days should someone do it? 

I don’t like this questions because who am I to tell you how much you should do something so good for you? To see results in your life I always recommend minimum 2 days a week. There are many people around the world who practice everyday. You have to find what works for you.

What can you do to start if you can’t get into a class?

Go online and check out our YouTube channel. Yoga Joint… you will find hundreds of classes to choose from that you can take in your own home, office, hotel room, where ever you like.

Please tell us about how you got into yoga? 

My name is Paige Held, I’m 39 years old. I own 4 yoga studios and my goal is to open 100. I am a mother to a 10 and 13 year old and a stepmother to a 22 and 23 year old. I started  practicing yoga when I was 16 years old. At the time my parents were going through a divorce and the therapist that the courts had appointed my brothers and I recommended we do yoga for stress relief.  Little did I know stepping into that class would change the course of my entire life. In the beginning I thought it was ridiculous and I honestly didn’t like it. I noticed after the class I started to feel things in my body and in my mind that I hadn’t felt ever in my life.  All the noise in my head started to dissipate and I felt a sense of peace for the first time.  Even though I didn’t like the class I decided to go back from that moment everything is history. I did my first teacher training when I was 19 years old, and during this experience I new I would be where I am today. I opened my first location in 2010, my second in 2013, my third, 2015, and my fourth is opening in 4 months. I practice yoga daily, I study the 8 limb path, and my life fully revolves around the    Principles of the yoga lifestyle. I’m so grateful to be a strong, rooted, kind, successful, and compassionate person. This is what yoga gives you.

The Yoga Joint has multiple locations:

Upbeat Yoga For Mind, Body and Soul. Get A Great Workout. Try Us Out Free. Call. Variety Of Services. Find Locations. Highlights: Full Yoga Joint Experience, World Renowned teachers.


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